
         FORGOTTEN Elderly

"Forget Me Not"







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FT Stories
"The Old Rugged Cross"

By Linda Welch

It doesn't take a lot of money or travel to foreign lands to serve the Lord. In the Nursing home you find all kinds of ministry. We find Muslims, Jews, Agnostics, Atheists, all under one roof. Many homes employ workers from around the world. All it takes is a willing heart and an open door.

There was one special little Jewish man named Robert that touched my heart. He was sitting in a chair off to the side in one of our services. I was drawn to him because he looked like my Dad. The nurses said when Robert did talk he was not very nice. I walked over and sat down beside him and he smiled.

He did not say much but his eyes would light up as we sang some old hymns. I gave him a song sheet and he began to read out loud “THE OLD RUGGED CROSS” As he continued to read he would say OOH, OOH, OOH, that is good and point to the lines to show me what he was reading. You could see and feel his excitement. I watched his eyes as they darted back and forth from line to line. You could see he was hearing, probably for the first time, THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST.

Whether it is written in a song or comes from the lips of a preacher, the message of the CROSS still stands today.

Robert the little Jewish man lifts his hands today and says; HALLELUJAH!

I say thank you Jesus, Praise The Lord!



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